I have so many things I need to share that I don't know where to start. More than a month ago, I had lunch with a friend I hadn't seen in about ten years. The reason it was so long since we had seen each other is not dramatic. It was because we both had some parenting challenges at the time, and keeping up with friendships was not at the top of our list of priorities. It was a time in my life, when I only socialized with work friends, and adults I knew through my sons' activities at school and what-not. This friend is the kind of friend who makes you feel better about yourself and life, after you spend time with them. She is quite an inspiration and should get some kind of Presidential award for it. Anyway, She tried really hard to encourage me to keep writing and I have been thinking of our conversation ever since. So today I am making good on that.
There are so many things I want to blog about. I want to rant about the double standards I have been experiencing at work my whole 30 years of teaching, but especially this year; about the state of the world; about the flack I got from a parent, through email, about yesterday's "Walk Out"; about public school "Science" teachers who teach that "Creationism," is a scientific theory; about the same teachers teaching that climate change is not man-made; but I can't. I can't blog about that because I need to keep my job for at least 3 more years so I don't get penalized for retiring under 60 years of age with less than 25 years in this state. This brings me to the title of the blog and probably the only place where it will be mentioned. I will be saving all the above material for when I am retired and a Free Citizen. Many people don't know that one of the hardest parts of being a teacher is "Shutting up." And if you are raised by my parents, shutting up and not expressing opinions is even harder than for the average person.
This morning as I was doing, or not doing, my hair, I realized I could blog about my transitioning. No, I am not transitioning sexually, but from dying my hair to not dying my hair. I know it isn't as important as the above mentioned topics, but I may be able to survive the next three years more pleasantly if I stick with the hair. However, don't worry, I am still writing about the other topics and they will be saved for the day I retire and all bets are off!
So less than a month ago, I wrote a Facebook post asking if I should dye my gray hairs or not. The consensus was 50/50. I opted for dying it because it was the easier decision at the time. However, it is less than a month and it looks like I need to do it again. So in my quest to live my best life, and inspiration from my big sister, I am going to try this starting now and at least through the summer. The hardest part is going to be seeing my mother this summer because she is against this. I figure if people can blog about Julia Child recipes, I can do this. I'm sure I will have some interesting comments from my sweet middle school students that will add some humor.
It may be more traumatic than I think, especially since my baby is graduating from college this year, and my oldest is gainfully employed, meaning I am really getting old. However, I feel this is the time. Also, maybe it is the time change, or Mercury, or sleep deprivation, or something but for some strange reason I joined the online weight watchers program this morning, so what the heck let's go for gold!
I started this blog as a creative outlet but also to assist those dealing with: special needs, those interested in historical fiction, teachers who need support, and women who are lucky enough to have reached fifty-something. I hope you will enjoy this unknown journey with me so that someday I will need to change the title to “The Rantings of a Sixty-something Woman.”
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